Yesterday I realized that I didn't have any of Gregory Maguire's books on hand for this week's Center Stage Book Club -- the area I've just begun moderating. I knew, of course, that I wanted to get A Lion Among Men, his new release -- but I thought it would be useful to have copies of Wicked and Son of a Witch nearby as I jump in and out of the discussion.
I had a fairly busy Monday, including a couple of regular calls, some research, and some writing. I decided that I would stop at the Georgetown Barnes & Noble on the way back home from an author interview I was conducting in town. When I pointed my Mini Cooper onto M Street yesterday evening, however, it was raining, the traffic was lousy, and I wanted nothing more than to go straight home and settle in to my cozy armchair to read.
But I needed those books!
Regular readers of my other blog may realize where this is going. As I waited patiently at a red light, a light bulb went off in my brain: I could simply download these books onto my Kindle! In fact, I could have downloaded all of them in the time it took that light to change, but I didn't -- I waited until I got home (hi, Mom!).
Not only did the download save me time and trouble, it saved me money.
What would you have done? It's OK if you want to flame me for using my e-reader. I'm more interested in learning all of the pros and cons here than I am in protecting my delicate Maven's skin.
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