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« Recommended Reading: "Company of Liars" by Karen Maitland | Main | So Many Targets, So Little Time »

November 10, 2008


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S. Krishna

I just finished My Lady of Cleves by Margaret Campbell Barnes which I really enjoyed. I usually read more than one book at once, a fiction and a non-fiction because it takes me much longer to read non-fiction. Sometimes I also have more than one fiction book if one of them is really slow.

Sherrie B.

I'm so glad you're continuing this feature! I just finished Gate House by Nelson DeMille. I love him and I'm looking forward to your upcoming interview with him. I also have a book called The Lincolns by Daniel Mark epstine and I've just started the new H.W. Brands about Franklin Roosevelt. Tomorrow, I'll buy American Lion by Jon Meacham but I won't finish it until after the first of the year because it's almost time to start reading my Christmas "cozies." This last weekend I bought Ringing in Murder by Kate Kingsbury and Irish Country Christmas by Patrick Taylor. I'm looking for more Christmas mysteries.


Hello S. Krishna and Sherrie B.! Glad to see your comments on this post. I have GOT to read An Irish Country Village one of these dearest friend sent it to me ages ago and I've been hoarding it (that will be another entry, for sure!).


Currently working on Anathem by Neal Stephenson (I like it much better than the Baroque Cycle). Also sitting on my bedside table is Rune Marks, by Joanne Harris, along with several other things I can't recall at the moment -- it's to the point that I had to add a new bookcase to hold all the "pending" reading!

Helen  G.

I'm midway through Trail Of Crumbs by Kim Sunee (thanks in big part to your recommendation). In fact, my book club is doing a Trail of Crumbs dinner when we meet next month. If I remember to take pictures, I will share with all.


Joanne, I'd love to hear what you think about the new Harris when you finish!

Helen G., I'm so pleased that you picked up Sunee's book on my recommendation. It's truly original. Look forward to seeing pictures IF you remember to take them, LOL -- definitely a statement I'd make!


Oh, wow, Bethanne, I adore the cover of "An Irish Country Village". It is exactly like what I saw all over Ireland last year.

I just finished Ron Rash's "Serena" which I found to be very heavy and not quite as tight as his other novels....but still better thanm uch of what is out there. I also recently finished a psychological suspense novel "Never Tell a Lie" by Hallie Ephron, due out in January. Yes, another one of those Ephron sisters!

I am currently reading Anita Shreve's "Testimony" which starts out tough but grabbed me right away.

Next up is Stephanie Kallos's "Sing Them Home", due out in January.

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